[Inflammatory disease that occurs frequently among teenagers] acute tonsillitis

Acute tonsillitis, in which the back of the throat swells and causes fever, is a disease that causes acute infection by tonsil bacteria when the body’s resistance decreases due to various causes. The number of patients aged 10 to 19 is decreasing every year, but it is still one of the most common diseases in adolescent children.■ Calculation conditions: Acute tonsillitis ■ Injury code: J03/Review year: 2017-2021 ■ Provided: Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service Health and Medical Big Data Open System http://opendata.hira.or.kr■ Patients by age are calculated based on the date of birth.*Disease is a columnar disease standard and may differ from the final confirmed disease.よりMore detailed statistical data can be found directly at the Health and Medical Big Data Open System of the Korea Appraisal Board.*The data for 2021 are still being compiled, and the figures may change.Acute tonsillitis is a disease that occurs more in women than men by a narrow margin in the number of gender patients as the number of patients aged 10 to 19 has recently decreased sharply. According to the proportion of patients by age as of 2021, 13.8% of patients with acute tonsillitis were aged 10 to 19. What is acute tonsillitis?When I open my mouth, I can see the milk in my throat in the middle. If you open your mouth wider, there are times when something looks swollen in your throat. The bulging part is the palatal tonsil, one of the tonsils. Amygdala is an immune organ that protects against foreign substances entering through the nose and mouth. In addition to palate tonsils, there are tongue tonsils on the inside of the tongue and pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids) on top of the sore throat. Those infected with bacteria or viruses in these tonsils are called acute tonsillitis. symptoms of acute tonsillitisWhen I open my mouth, I can see the milk in my throat in the middle. If you open your mouth wider, there are times when something looks swollen in your throat. The bulging part is the palatal tonsil, one of the tonsils. Amygdala is an immune organ that protects against foreign substances entering through the nose and mouth. In addition to palate tonsils, there are tongue tonsils on the inside of the tongue and pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids) on top of the sore throat. Those infected with bacteria or viruses in these tonsils are called acute tonsillitis. symptoms of acute tonsillitisWhen you visit a hospital for acute tonsillitis, first check the condition of tonsillitis with your eyes. A blood test confirms the number of infections or a culture test to confirm bacteria. If pus or swelling is severe, you may need to have an imaging examination.If the symptoms are not severe, drink enough water while taking a break and use antipyretic analgesics to improve most of the symptoms. However, bacterial tonsillitis may require antibiotic treatment. If tonsillitis is repeated even after proper treatment, tonsillectomy may be required, so you need to consult a doctor.When you visit a hospital for acute tonsillitis, first check the condition of tonsillitis with your eyes. A blood test confirms the number of infections or a culture test to confirm bacteria. If pus or swelling is severe, you may need to have an imaging examination.If the symptoms are not severe, drink enough water while taking a break and use antipyretic analgesics to improve most of the symptoms. However, bacterial tonsillitis may require antibiotic treatment. If tonsillitis is repeated even after proper treatment, tonsillectomy may be required, so you need to consult a doctor.출처세브란스병원_건강정보https://sev.severance.ヘルスケア/ヘルス/百科事典/雑誌/disease.do?mode=view&articleNo=66930&title=%EA%B8%89%EC%84%B1+%ED%8E%B8%EB%8F%84%EC%97%BC+Acute+tonsilitis www.amc.seoul.kr/asan/healthinfo/disease/diseaseDetail.do?contentId=32442

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