For women in their 30s who contacted us for the existing ci insurance remodeling, I personally think that the remodeling is the most ambiguous.This is an insurance remodeling that has been completed by about one-third.
You had a family and wanted to renovate it with your husband’s insurance, but if you are a man in your 30s, I recommend A non-life insurance.If you’re in your 30s, I recommend that you prepare it with B Non-Life Insurance (Company B is cheap for women in their 30s, cancer, heart, brain) but we’re currently offering an additional 8% discount on the insurance premium, so it’s a little more cost-~)

The existing insurance is CI insurance, which is too good to cancel because it was already paid for 8 years during the 20-year payment period. However, the main contract was reduced at a cost that was not burdensome due to lack of death protection needs.First of all, this is the best A non-life insurance proposal for women in their 30s.
If you look at the proposal, the insurance premium and the actual delivery premium are different, but the above company currently has an 8% premium discount, so the diagnosis fee for women was originally low, but it is a more cost-effective product.If the monthly insurance fee exceeds 70,000 won (before discount), the basic contract is 3,000 won (even 100 won after cardiovascular disease diagnosis) and 10 million won is included in the accident.The above design was designed by a 20-year-old 90-year-old, 36-year-old injured Grade 1 woman. If you’re younger, your premium will go down a little, and if you’re older, your premium will go up a little.

The above company’s payment exemptions typically include cancer (except for similar cancers), stroke, acute myocardial infarction, and more than 80% of aftereffects, as well as other adult insurance policies.Also, the cost of disease surgery and disease surgery is higher for general insurance in 30s, and the cost of injury surgery and injury surgery is lower, so the overall cost performance is good (for women in 30s) comprehensive insurance!
The above company’s payment exemptions typically include cancer (except for similar cancers), stroke, acute myocardial infarction, and more than 80% of aftereffects, as well as other adult insurance policies.Also, the cost of disease surgery and disease surgery is higher for general insurance in 30s, and the cost of injury surgery and injury surgery is lower, so the overall cost performance is good (for women in 30s) comprehensive insurance!
This is an unnecessary insurance recommendation. Room 5 #HanMinSeob #HanMinSeob #DesignerHanMinSeob #AsinagaInsuranceUncle
This is an unnecessary insurance recommendation. Room 5 #HanMinSeob #HanMinSeob #DesignerHanMinSeob #AsinagaInsuranceUncle

This is an unnecessary insurance recommendation. Room 5 #HanMinSeob #HanMinSeob #DesignerHanMinSeob #AsinagaInsuranceUncle
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